EQAO testing occurs periodically in Grades 3, 6 and 9, and is a requirement for all students Ontario-wide to participate and complete the test with a provincial score provided at the end.


OSSLT (Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test) occurs in Grade 9/10, measuring whether students can meet the minimum standard for literacy across all subjects up to the end of Grade 9.

With expert OCT Certified teachers, we provide all the skills needed to succeed

How to Prepare…

Mathematics Comprehension

In order to succeed in the EQAO testing in Grades 3, 6. and 9 it is imperative for the student to have a high comprehension of mathematics and its processes. Reasoning and proof, problem solving, connections and communication; all processes can not be learned by the student practicing through a textbook alone, the help of a teacher is required.

Language Proficiency

The OSSLT not only tests the general knowledge of the English language but also the vocabulary learned all the way up til l Grade 9 in all subjects. Therefore to succeed, students should practice all the vocabulary previously learned, and benefit with our extensive curriculum and resources that is made simple as we have practice tests, notes and textbooks with extra exercises.

Communication SKills

Along with a deep understanding of mathematical processes and concepts, basic communication skills are required to deliver the students ideas to the test grader. Since EQAO and OSSLT grade students  on their communication skills, we lay emphasis on their reading and writing skills as well as reasoning ability to effectively communicate their understanding.