
Mathematics is one of the most crucial subjects in your child’s scholastic success and is required during the admission process in nearly all colleges and universities.


A high understanding of the English language will always benefit your child in a country like Canada and our goal is to master the speech, text and reading abilities of English.


The sciences are undervalued in most elementary schools and only focused on in secondary schools; but we encompass all subjects into our learning, even science.


Technology is the future in all jobs, and to prepare our students for these positions we practice basic skills like excel, powerpoint and more to be utilized in class and in life.

Social Studies

Social Studies; history, geography, and politics, educate the students on the past, present and future of humans, which is required for the development of their thoughts.

Reading, Writing & Speaking

In our sessions with each student, we encompass reading, writing and speaking skills to better enhance the student as an all rounder and teach to communicate with ease.

  • Reading & Discussion
  • Spelling Bees & Dictations
  • Group Debates on chosen topics
  • Weekly Word List for vocabulary

Reading, Writing & Speaking

All subjects and courses require the basic abilities to read, write and speak, and many students struggle with these abilities as English may be a second language or they lack adequate exposure to the language. Hence, we discuss each student’s grades expectations along with their personal goals like better communication.

“The conquest of learning is achieved through the knowledge of languages.” ~ Roger Bacon

Subjects Taught in School

Our tutoring services cover every course and subject that your child could come across from Kindergarten to Grade Twelve, making AIM Study Centre a one stop destination for your child’s entire schooling career. Even if each topic can not be covered in class we provide our students with self explanatory material, tools and abilities to help them tackle and master the content on their own.



A fundamental understanding of mathematics is crucial for success in any field. At AIM Study Centre we equip each student with the right tools to tackle mathematics at all levels, and cover concepts that may be difficult to understand in class with help from our expert teachers.



Language learning is focused on from the beginning and each student must have an efficient level of proficiency in order to advance their careers. English is the basis of all communication in Canada; hence a mastery of structure and grammar with a vast vocabulary, supplies enough confidence to tackle new opportunities.


Social Studies

Learning about Canadian History and Geography or Social Studies may not interest each child, but is taught to all students from Grades 1 through 10. Thus, a teacher helping with homework, and answering questions will help in enabling students to understand, participate in, and make informed decisions about their world.


Science and Technology

Science and technology help students examine the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experimentation, like observing living creatures and experimenting with new applications on technology to learn and create something that entices and excites their mind.

Academic Events & Applications

Along with the day to day help and service provided by our teachers regarding classwork and homework, we also help prepare students for EQAO & OSSLT, Regional Applications and Math Contests.


Testing Language and Mathematics 

(Grades 3, 6, and 9)


Regional Applications

IB, IBT, Sci-Tech and AP

(For entry to Grades 6 & 9)



Testing Language Comprehension

(Grade 9-10)